Sharon Resheff
Analytics Strategist
Sharon Resheff is an analyst that helps business executives make informed, real time decisions using insights from their data. Sharon’s professional upbringing in Fortune 100 companies like Procter & Gamble, SanDisk, PwC, and Apple positions her to be able to quickly understand the needs of business leaders who are trying to grow revenue, market share, or optimize their spending. She considers herself a revolutionized analyst - one that combines technical and subject matter know-how with an understanding of what drives value for her stakeholders. Possessing both left-brain analytical prowess and right-brain artistic aspirations, Sharon delivers rigorous functional services infused with her creativity. Sharon is energized by visiting museums, exploring sculpture gardens, theater, and fine works of fiction.
Managing Consultant
Action Analytics
2018 - Present
Sharon manages a multi-functional team of designers, data scientists, analysts, and data visualization developers who help clients make sense of their data.
Analytics Consultant
Apple Services
2018 - Present
Sharon helps Marketing teams make real-time campaign program decisions by connecting teams to their business data. One client team generated an increase of 133% in budget as a result of the data insights driven by the dashboards Sharon’s team created for them.
Data Analysis and Visualization
– Lead strategic analysis and provide recommendations for solving complex problems.
– Multi-functional collaboration, to provide holistic points of view on subject matter data.
– Work with disparate data sources and systems to derive insights and communicate those insights in a way stakeholders understand.
– Use data visualization best practices and cutting edge software solutions to distribute data across the organization efficiently.
Pricing and Financial Strategy
– Pricing strategy/structure/model development.
– Discount and promotion management.
– Financial forecasting and planning.
– Strong grasp of finance and accounting principles and a deep analytical background.
Tel Aviv University
MSc Finance
Haifa University
BA, Economics and Business Administration
Alteryx Designer
Tableau Desktop and Prep
Analytical Problem Solving
Marketing Performance Measurement
Financial Forecasting and Pricing
Relationship Building for Collaboration
Business Accumen
CEOs, are you paying attention to your data analysts?