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Quick tips, tricks, and useful discoveries from within Tableau and the wider world of data visualization.

Resources and Show Notes
Tableau in Slack

In this Action Bit, Jeremy Paytas shows how quick and easy it to embed a Tableau dashboard into Slack.

Inline Bar Charts in Tableau

In this Action Bit, Jeremy demonstrates how easy it is to turn a stacked bar chart into an inline bar chart. Inline bar charts offer a sleek, straightforward, and visually compelling way of comparing different categories or segments within your data.

Aggregate Rows and Combining Values in Tableau

Here, Jeremy guides viewers through the process of aggregating rows and combining values in Tableau Prep. He shows how you can combine multiple orders with different products into a single aggregated field. What you end up with is an aggregated text field with product IDs separated by commas for each order ID.

Identifying Duplicates in Data Full

Discover how to identify and manage duplicate data in your datasets in this latest Action Bit. Jeremy offers a step-by-step guide on using tools like Excel, SQL, and Tableau to pinpoint and analyze duplicate entries effectively.